Tuesday 11 December 2012

Player Power Rankings - Midfielders

Following on from yesterday's post on Forwards these are the top 15 midfielders using a pure goal threat "Power Ranking".  Read yesterday's post for the full details but in a nutshell this is determined by multiplying a players percentage share of shots and target and shots in the box by their modelled goal conversion and their teams average shots on target oer game.  It's essentially how many goals they would score in an "average". game.  This rankings add a good deal of context to a player's worth over large number of games, indeed the whole season.

On the chart, the size of the player's bubble represents their FPL ownership, the further to the right they are, the higher their Power Ranking.  Their position vertically indicates their price.  As for the Forwards, there is a general relationship between ranking and price for the main group of players, with some clustering either side going on.  Fellaini and Michu offering supreme value compared to Cazorla, Silva and Hazard.  Bale earns his corn.


  1. Is Mackie not a striker?

  2. Corrected, and Dempsey's price too. Thanks M9G.

  3. No probs mate. When I seen Mackie there I was thinking hmmm OOP potential! lol :)

  4. He was a mid last season I think. Why I got mixed up.

  5. Also, don't really pay that much attention to QPR!!
